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Not vector-transmitted

Geographical distribution

Globally, it also occurs throughout Europe, but particularly in the Mediterranean region and Eastern Europe. A study conducted in Sweden found that 7.3% of the healthy dogs tested had leptospira antibodies, indicating exposure to the bacteria. In Finland, a few isolated cases had been reported previously, but since the summer of 2024, the number of non-travel-related cases has increased in southern Finland.


Through mucous membranes and via inhalation from infected urine, feces, water (puddles, including stagnant water in ponds and lakes) and wet soil.


In some dogs, the disease can be very mild or even asymptomatic, while in others it can manifest as a severe condition and may even lead to death. Cats are less likely to contract leptospirosis, but there is less research available on leptospirosis in cats compared to dogs. Symptoms are highly variable, and the disease can affect almost any organ or organ system. Symptoms may include fever, reduced appetite, muscle tremors, muscle tenderness, yellowing of the mucous membranes (jaundice), and kidney or liver failure.


The vaccine protects against severe clinical disease but does not prevent infection or the spread of leptospires. The first two doses are given 4 weeks apart, after which the vaccine is boosted annually if exposure continues. The vaccine is available in Finland, but check with your veterinary clinic for its availability before booking an appointment! In some countries, the leptospirosis vaccine is mandatory for entry. The vaccine is only available for dogs. 

Other considerations

Leptospira can also infect humans, making it a zoonosis. However, it most commonly spreads to humans from the environment via contaminated water, and transmission from a pet is relatively rare. If a pet is diagnosed with leptospirosis, avoid contact with its urine and feces, and clean up any excretions immediately while wearing gloves.

Scahill K, Windahl U, Boqvist S, Pelander L. Leptospira seroprevalence and associated risk factors in healthy Swedish dogs. BMC Veterinary Research 2022, 376.

Rafael Ruiz de Gopegui Fernández, Practical Guide, Infectious dieases in dogs. 
Ruokavirasto 2022. Leptospiroosi (

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