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Travel consultation with your pet 

Are you unsure about the necessary travel documents or matters related to pet transportation? Do you want to plan a trip with your pet as easy and smooth as possible since the beginning? The travel consultation service is conducted as a remote consultation, so you are able use it both, before the beginning of the journey but also during your already started trip at any destination!

Help before and during the trip

Travel planning and advice will help you plan your trip with a calm mind, well prepared and especially with the aim of making the trip as comfortable and safe as possible for your pet. We will also help you with questions that arise during the trip - whether they are related to the practices of different countries or the needs of your pet. We can start from the mere dream of making a trip with your pet to come true, or we can focus on just one or a few questions that concern you.


Where can we help 


  • Correct travel documents and their validity (e.g. pet passport, health certificate) 

  • Checking required vaccinations 

  • Planning preventive medications against the parasites depending on the destination

  • Requirements and practices of different countries

  • Travel supllies (e.g. transport crates, sizes)

  • Preparing for possible "problems" in travel destinations

  • The challenges of border crossings

  • Personal air travel planning 

  • Help planning a self-guided trip in Europe from the beginning

  • Planning the pet's needs according to an already prepared travel route or destination

  • Anything else related to traveling with a pet - if we don't have an answer ready, we'll find it out for you!

NOTE! Pet passports, microchips, vaccinations, echinococcal medication or general clinical examination cannot be given/performed remotely, so if we detect deficiencies in the aforementioned matters during the travel consultation, we will refer you to a physical veterinary clinic.

How is the appointment carried out?

By phone or a video call


The meeting is primarily carried out via Zoom or by phone (within EU), also WhatsApp or FaceTime can be used. If you are unable to use Zoom, the meeting can also be organized via Google Meet if necessary. A video connection is not necessary for the travel consultation to take place.


The duration of one meeting is about 15 minutes at most and the advantage is that you can ask additional questions as soon as they come to mind. If there is a lot to deal with, we will try to continue the appointment at the same time or arrange another appointment so that we can definitely go through all the issues. After the consultation we send you all the information by email!


Travel Consultation by email


You can also receive answers to your questions directly in your email! In that case, please book the first available time slot from the booking calendar (it doesn't have to be the same day as the booking date), make the payment using one of the mentioned payment methods, and you will receive written answers to your questions via email within 3 days. The advantage of a consultation conducted via email is the flexibility of time and location, as well as the ability to keep the discussed matters stored in your email.


If you have multiple questions and their scope exceeds the standard consultation time, we will contact you. One consultation can include for example multiple EU countries or 1-2 non-EU countries. 


Would you like to ensure before paying that we can answer your questions with sufficient detail? Send us a brief inquiry email, and we will respond to you!​​


Book an appointment for travel planning and advice through our Booking System! 


There is also coming an opportunity for a "travel aid package" - stay tuned!

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